TIGER 21 Members’ Response to Inflation and Possible Recession | InvestmentNews Features TIGER 21 Founder



Published On

August 17, 2022

How are TIGER 21 Members responding to inflation, rising interest rates, and a possible recession? Founder and Chairman Michael Sonnenfeldt shared some unexpected insights with Jeff Benjamin of InvestmentNews.

“Over the last year with the downturn in the stock market, public equity has become more attractive.”

Michael Sonnenfeldt, TIGER 21 Founder & Chairman

While real estate, private equity and public equities often remain the largest allocations for TIGER 21’s high-net-worth Members, July saw public equities move to the top of the list – rising above real estate for the first time in a decade. Read the full article to learn how this compares to Members’ reactions to the 2008 financial crisis and March 2009 market bottom.

This data comes from a Member Feedback survey, which TIGER 21 Members participate in monthly. Additionally, the TIGER 21 Asset Allocation Report measures Members’ aggregate asset allocations (on a trailing 12- month basis) and the results are shared quarterly. Download the latest TIGER 21 Asset Allocation Report here.

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is the premier peer network helping HNWIs and family offices navigate the challenges and opportunities that success creates. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed nisl quis quam vestibulum consectetur. Ut semper pulvinar libero vel semper.

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