The Game Changer Sessions: Insights from the TIGER 21 @Home Summit

On September 1st, TIGER 21 held its second virtual conference as part of a series called the “@Home Summit: The Game Changer Sessions.” The event was attended by Members from across the globe who heard from top visionaries who told their personal stories of collaboration and perseverance and shared insightful business takeaways and philanthropic initiatives. 

Keynote speakers included esteemed entrepreneurs and global leaders, including:

The event provided the TIGER 21 Membership community with the chance to connect with one another outside of their Groups in focused Roundtables between the morning and afternoon sessions. Discussions took place on topics such as Venture Capital, Private Equity, Multi-Family and Residential Real Estate, Commercial Real Estate – Office, Retail and Industrial, Commodities – Gold and Energy, and Portfolio Positioning.

“Our @Home Summit series allows TIGER 21 Members to glean insights from fellow experts in their respective arenas within intimate roundtable discussions and leave each keynote session with applicable knowledge for their own growth,” said Timothy Daniels, President and Chief Executive Officer of TIGER 21. “Through this collaborative experience, Members are able to learn from peers and thought leaders alike to make the most of the opportunities in front of them.” 

About TIGER 21

TIGER 21 is the premier peer network helping HNWIs and family offices navigate the challenges and opportunities that success creates. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed nisl quis quam vestibulum consectetur. Ut semper pulvinar libero vel semper.

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