TIGER 21 Members on Investment Opportunities in Asia | Bloomberg

TIGER 21 Members Eric Manlunas and Gregg S. Fisher shared insights with Suzanne Woolley and Emily Cadman for Bloomberg’s “Where to Invest $100K in Asia” on investment opportunities and companies that have been standing out for the region. 

Eric Manlunas, Founder of Wavemaker Partners, highlights some opportunities for efficiency in parts of Asia and how companies are finding innovative ways to address them, including platforms that help sari-sari stores digitize their businesses and technology that optimizes the feeding of fish. Gregg Fisher, Founder of Quent Capital, discusses the potential of Japanese companies specializing in the future of work, and why investing in China’s used car industry is an intriguing prospect.

Manlunas and Fisher also detail where each would put an extra $100,000 for their personal passion – an African safari experience and digital collectibles such as superhero non-fungible tokens, respectively. 

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