Howard Morgan, TIGER 21 Board Member and Member, and Co-Founder and Partner of First Round Capital, a seed stage capital investment firm, is quoted on a number of topics, including “Why did you get involved in TIGER 21?” Dr. Morgan replies, “To discuss issues like how much do you leave to your children and grandchildren‚ĶThere are a lot of interesting discussions around things like that, which I’ve benefited from at TIGER.” Dr. Morgan also explains the types of presentations in which he participates at TIGER 21 as well as how he invests his own money.

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TIGER 21 is the premier peer network helping HNWIs and family offices navigate the challenges and opportunities that success creates. Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nulla sed nisl quis quam vestibulum consectetur. Ut semper pulvinar libero vel semper.

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